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Fill Your Own Advent Calendar Bunting with Treats, Sweets and Promises!

  • By Samuel Kavanagh

Discovering an Advent treat each December morning is almost as exciting as the big day itself! Especially if you use our Fill Your Own Advent Calendar Bunting. Every pocket is double-sided (two pieces of fabric sewn together) so the design is identical on both sides. Each one is fully hemmed and beautifully finished by hand, so it will look great for years to come. Who doesn't love discovering a Christmas chocolate coin or lolly pop! Sweet treats are always a winner whoever is opening the bright red little pocket!

Promises are an awesome way of creating extra special Advent memories and depending on what you choose to include can be a low cost Advent treat for all. Everyone loves making cookies and you can use the product of your endeavours to make gifts for grandparents, friends or teachers! 

If the kids have grown out of stockings on Christmas morning you can still bring out their inner child by putting trinkets and treasures in. And, they are not just for the children either! Why not treat Mum to one this year! A lovely luxurious treat every day that builds to a do it yourself Spa Day over the month!

Don't leave Dad out either! Who can resist tea in bed for the week or his favourite breakfast in bed on a Sunday! The joy you can give is limited only by your imagination. 

Little surprises are so much fun and each day the excitment builds as everyone wants to know what todays treat is! So much more exciting that a chocolate calendar that everyone else has. Novelty rubbers, marbles, bouncy balls the list is endless and so are the smiles too!

Family games, promises of pizza and sleepovers ... life doesn't get much more enjoyable than this!

And, you can always make it full of really useful things too ... key rings, highlighters for revision help, new pens! We just love this fish pen and know our little Advent openers are going to be just as excited to find him hiding in a pocket this year!

We just love homemade popcorn and snuggling up for our favourite Christmas film! Not sure how many times you can watch Home Alone but we're pretty sure it will be top of the list again this year!!

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