

Where Can I Read Reviews of The Cotton Bunting Company?

Over 150 of our customers have left us reviews giving us an impressive 4.99 star rating out of 5!  You can read these reviews on our website home page or find reviews of The Cotton Bunting Company on independent review company

Reviews of The Cotton Bunting Company products will be shown on the product on our website but can also be seen here. Our product reviews are not censored, they are published good, bad and ugly! We read each review to ensure that great customer service remains at the forefront of what we do. Listening to our customers has meant that our company has continued to meet their needs over the past 15 years.

We also understand that not everyone will love our products as much as we do, or that the colours are not quite right for their theme, or perfectly matched to their bridesmaid dresses! So, we offer a no quibble 14 day return so you can feel confident that if your bunting choice is not quite right, you can exchange it for another design or get a refund. Take a look here for more information.

100% of our customers who have left a review recommend The Cotton Bunting Company! Below are some of the reviews we have received recently. We're pretty proud of them, hope you like them too!

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